exploring life and love with pictures and words

At Seventeen . . .

It’s been over four months since I began writing my blog. I took some time to review my past writing, my growth and my journey. I decided reblog one of my favorite stories. Enjoy the read or the re-read as the case may be. Thank you friends for your continued encouragement and support. New post soon. I promise.

Bare Naked in Public


My favorite exercise and escape is walking on the beach.  I run across the highway to the trail and am greeted by the sunset. I squint my eyes,  take a deep breath and shake off the day. This is my peace. My body quickly finds its rhythm, its pace, and my legs lead the way, allowing my mind to wander.

I think of my parents everyday, on every walk. I can see my mom and I strolling along the shore, usually in winter, picking up sea glass,  sand dollars, when we could find them, and unusual rocks and shells. She had a knack for finding unique treasures with interesting textures and colors. I loved that quality in  her . . .to find beauty where no one else could, when it wasn’t obvious. I see my dad and I running on the trail together. His pace always pushed me, until he was nearly sixty and then he struggled to keep up with me. I remember one evening we ended the run at his…

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4 Responses to “At Seventeen . . .”

  1. Earlene

    You don’t know me but I have enjoyed your blog. I read this and it made me cry tears of joy and remembering back to my mom and growing up in Nevada no beaches but amazing beautiful sunsets and how she found all the beauty of what some people say the empty ugly desert. I have a beautiful wonderful man who follows your blog as well who is from HB (Phil Lanouette) and I now find the beauty of the beaches through his love and memories of his everytime he and I go to HB.
    Thank You for sharing your beautiful life memory of a parents love and the love of your husband who really had a brave soul and loved you enough to face an also life changing moment that wonderful night.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bare Naked in Public

      My mom LOVED the desert. Growing up we did many, many desert walks and hikes as a family. My parents lived in Nevada part time before they passed a few years ago. Whenever I drive through the desert I think of them. Thank you for reading my blog and taking the time to write such a lovely message. I am always encouraged to continue writing when I connect with people like you.
      ps – Phil is a great guy 🙂


  2. thegirldish

    I’m pretty sure this was the post we became WordPress friends from! I was actually reminiscing about how we found internet “friendship” because my classes this semester require WordPress as homework (which is awesome) but it kept making me think of you and how you were my first true WordPress buddy. I thank you for that and can I just say, this repost couldn’t have come at a better time =]

    Liked by 1 person


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