exploring life and love with pictures and words

Grateful . . .

 Mary in HB Valentine's weekend 2010 103 (2)

A few months ago on Facebook, I was invited by friends to post things for which I was grateful, three a day, for seven days. I participated and enjoyed the experience very much as it gave me an opportunity to reflect on all that was good in my life. It actually made me feel happy, really happy.

In honor of the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday (my favorite!!), some bloggers are asking fellow bloggers to do the same gratitude exercise for the entire month of November. I wasn’t going to participate because I had already done so on Facebook, but after reading the grateful lists on blogs I follow, I decided to give it another go, this time on my blog. Besides, there is never enough gratitude. Right?

The timing is good for a couple reasons. . . .I’ve wanted to reach out to my followers more often, with shorter posts, and this gives me a chance to do so. Also, while I don’t like to admit this I have been way too focused on what I don’t have, feeling a little sorry for myself and melancholy. These daily postings will help me to be deliberate about recognizing all of the good stuff right under my nose, and give me the positive boost I need heading into the holidays. Who doesn’t need that?

I will post just one thing for which I am grateful each day for the month of November. I am hoping to get everyone thinking in terms of gratitude. It can be contagious . . . I hope you’ll pass it on.

Today I express gratitude for my siblings. . .

I have three sisters and one brother. Four girls came first and then our brother.  I am second in the lineup. From a very early age, our parents impressed upon all of us that we were responsible for one another, particularly the older ones for the younger ones, and that our siblings came first, before friends. We stuck together and knew how to stay out of trouble. We worked hard and played hard too.

I am grateful for my sibs because . . .

  • Each one of them would come to my rescue under any and all circumstances
  • If I started to sing a song, any one of them would join in and sing with me . . . loudly and proudly
  • They know the words to Ragtime Cowboy Joe, Jelly Bean, and Ay Compare
  • We can tell our family stories over and over again and still laugh . . . and sometimes cry
  • They know my secrets and love me anyway
  • More than anything they want me to be happy and we want that for each other
  • We know who likes which Sees’ Candies and we can sit around a box and scarf it down in no time
  • We love to dance together. My brother sings in a band and my sisters and I are often the first to dance. When my brother isn’t singing, he dances with us, and when my parents were alive they danced with us too.
  • We have an amazing collective memory
  • On our darkest days, we had each other
  • They were my very first friends, we taught each other how to be friends, and we are friends today
  • My connection to them makes my life easier . . . happier

Over the years and well into adulthood, many of our friends have asked to be adopted sibs. But they don’t really have to ask, it’s understood. I feel both proud and honored that people want to be a part of our family. I mean, I know how great my family is, but I love that our friends think so too.

I am grateful for each one of you . . . Patty, Susy, Mare and Nick.  You make my world a better place. xoxoxo


6 Responses to “Grateful . . .”

  1. judy

    Gratitude is so powerful. Family is so important. It makes me so sad when someone tells me that they haven’t spoken to a sibling for years because of and argument. My parents never had the family first rule but it was a given that we had to work out our differences. Mom said, ‘You will have your sisters all of your life” Another thing that was a given was that we were not allowed to tell our parents that we hated them. It was never mentioned, but we just knew.
    I have so many things that I am gratedul for. Today I am so grateful that I have such a great dad and that he is still with us. Happy 80th!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bare Naked in Public

      I feel the same way Judy . . . I can’t imagine not speaking to my siblings. I’ve learned that life is just too damn short to be angry.
      Happy birthday to your dad. You are so so lucky to have your mom and dad, I know you know that 🙂
      Thanks for always reaching out and commenting on my blog. . . makes me happy xoxx


  2. phyllis kerlin

    Thank you for this post today. I feel the same way about my family. Love you for saying it out loud, and for singing out loud 🙂


  3. Janice Wald

    I know LBeth. It’s great you are doing a gratitude excercise. I am doing a similar one this Sunday. Thanks for visiting my site. I am glad you liked my post about the Follow to Follow Directories.

    Liked by 1 person


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